
Belgrade launch of the ‘The End of South Africa? Contemporary South Africa and the politics of Self-Determination’


The New South Institute, in collaboration with the Belgrade International Law Circle, has successfully hosted the launch event of the report “The End of South Africa? Contemporary South Africa and the Politics of Self-Determination’. This event brought together a distinguished panel consisting of Ivor Chipkin (NSI), Miloš Hrnjaz (Belgrade International Law Circle), Biljana Djordjević (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences), Janja Simentić Popović (Belgrade International Law Circle) and Milan Krstić (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Political Sciences). The dialogue focused on the key issues raised in the report.

The event took place on 17 May 2023 and was accessible via the Zoom platform. The panel engaged in rigorous discussions about current populist politics in South Africa, Eastern Europe, parts of Western Europe, the US and Russia, all of which raise fundamental questions about the identity of the ‘people’ and the boundaries of political communities.

In the current political climate, the study of the politics of self-determination is a crucial endeavour, examining how the external and internal boundaries of political communities are changing or being challenged. Both South Africa and Yugoslavia have provided unique models that go against the consensus that states should accommodate homogeneous nations. The experiences of these nations raise important questions about the viability of political communities based on diversity and difference.

Photos from the event illustrate the diverse panel and the intense engagement that took place. These dialogues demonstrate the importance of cross-regional conversations and the critical understanding that can come from comparing different geopolitical contexts, such as Eastern Europe and Africa.

For those who missed the live event, a recording is available on YouTube.

The full report “The End of South Africa? Contemporary South Africa and the Politics of Self-Determination” is now available for download from the Publications section of the New South Institute website. We invite you to explore the report in its entirety to gain valuable insights into the current dynamics shaping the country.

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