NSI to Write the History of South Africa’s Treasury
The New South Institute (NSI), a global think tank based in South Africa, is proud to announce a major development which speaks to its mission to strengthen state-building efforts in South Africa and beyond.
After a long process of engagement, NSI has been appointed to write the history of the National Treasury. In an unprecedented development, NSI has been given access to all of the department’s physical and digitised archives.
The history of the Treasury is also a history of modern South Africa, seen from the perspective of the State. This alone makes the project special because the story of the country up until now has largely been told from the view of social movements, labour movements and of political parties. This is a chance to tell the story of government and of institution-building in the post-Apartheid context, of how the Bantustans were incorporated into a unitary state, of how the country’s finances were brought under democratic control and how state capture was resisted. This is, undoubtedly, one of the most important research projects of the post-Apartheid period.
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Delani Majola
Communications Manager
+27 78 547 4981
+2 710 157 2037/ Ext 104