
Alan Hirsch

Research Fellow


Cape Town, South Africa



Alan Hirsch was born in Cape Town and educated at UCT, Wits and Columbia.

He taught at UCT and joined the SA Department of Trade and Industry in 1995. From 2002 to 2012, he managed economic policy in the South African Presidency.

Hirsch serves on the Board of the European Centre for Development Policy Management and on President Ramaphosa’s Economic Advisory Council.

He was visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School, regular visiting professor at Maastricht University, IGC research director in Zambia, OECD Inclusive Growth Advisory Panel-member, on the International Advisory Board of the New Development Bank, Bradlow Fellow at the SA Institute for International Affairs and was a Fellow of the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University. His work includes Season of Hope: Economic Reform under Mandela and Mbeki and The Oxford Companion to South African Economics. Recent publications include his Carnegie article Overcoming the North-South Divide in Global Migration Governance and The Wider Atlantic: Building Interdependence and Solidarity in a Fragmented World, published in Atlantic Currents. He is also a Research Associate at SOAS, University of London.

  • Alan Hirsch

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