Alan Hirsch
Research Fellow

Cape Town, South Africa
Alan Hirsch was born in Cape Town and educated at UCT, Wits and Columbia.
He taught at UCT and joined the SA Department of Trade and Industry in 1995. From 2002 to 2012, he managed economic policy in the South African Presidency.
Hirsch serves on the Board of the European Centre for Development Policy Management and on President Ramaphosa’s Economic Advisory Council.
He was visiting scholar at the Harvard Business School, regular visiting professor at Maastricht University, IGC research director in Zambia, OECD Inclusive Growth Advisory Panel-member, on the International Advisory Board of the New Development Bank, Bradlow Fellow at the SA Institute for International Affairs and was a Fellow of the Oxford Martin School, Oxford University. His work includes Season of Hope: Economic Reform under Mandela and Mbeki and The Oxford Companion to South African Economics. Recent publications include his Carnegie article Overcoming the North-South Divide in Global Migration Governance and The Wider Atlantic: Building Interdependence and Solidarity in a Fragmented World, published in Atlantic Currents. He is also a Research Associate at SOAS, University of London.
- Hirsch, A. (2021). The African Union’s Free Movement of Persons Protocol: Why has it faltered and how can its objectives be achieved? South African Journal of International Affairs, 28(4), 497-517. DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2021.2007788
- Hirsch, A. (2020). Fatal embrace: How relations between business and government help to explain South Africa’s low-growth equilibrium. South African Journal of International Affairs, 27(4), 473-492.
- Hirsch, A., & Lopes, C. (2020). Post-colonial African Economic Development in Historical Perspective. Africa Development / Afrique et Développement, 45(1), 31–46.
- Hirsch, A. (2024). Overcoming the North-South Divide in Global Migration Governance. South African Carnegie. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (Forthcoming). Industrial transformation, regional integration and the African political economy. In B. Baloyi, S. Mohamed, & A. Ngoma (Eds.), Evolution of the Structure of the South African Economy. Johannesburg: Mistra.
- Hirsch, A. (2022). The Role of SOEs in Development in South Africa. In G. Mills, M. Jonas, H. Bhorat, & R. Hartley (Eds.), Better Choices: Ensuring South Africa’s Future (Chapter 11). Johannesburg: Picador Africa. Brenthurst Foundation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A., Levy, B., & Nxele, M. (2021). Politics and Economic Policymaking in South Africa since 1994. In A. Oqubay, F. Tregenna, & I. Valodia (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the South African Economy (Online ed.). Oxford Academic.
- Hirsch, A. (2024). South Africa Country Study: Migration Trends, Policy, Implementation, and Outcomes. NSI Policy Paper, January 2024.
- Hirsch, A. (2024). The whys and hows of the mobility of Africans in Africa. Brookings Institute, 17 July 2024.
- Hirsch, A., Chilenga-Butao, T., & Belvedere, F. (2022). Policy in the Time of Pandemic: Social Transfers in South Africa during the Coronavirus National Lockdown, May – October 2020 (Case Study). UNU-WIDER, Helsinki. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A., & Amadi, V. (2022). Can Africa accelerate initiatives towards the freer movement of Africans in Africa? In F. Mangeni & J. Atta-Mensah (Eds.), Existential Priorities for the African Continental Free Trade Area (pp. 117-127). United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2021). A strategic consideration of the African Union Free Movement of Persons Protocol and other initiatives towards the freer movement of people in Africa (Working Paper). SAIIA Programme: Economic Diplomacy. Retrieved from
- Levy, B., Hirsch, A., Naidoo, V., & Nxele, M. (2021). South Africa: When Strong Institutions and Massive Inequalities Collide (Paper). Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A., & Levy, B. (2018, October). Elaborate scaffolding, weak foundations: Business–government relations and economic reform in democratic South Africa (ESID Working Paper 105). University of Manchester. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A., & Cornell, V. (2016). African Economic Integration Report. Building Bridges Programme, Graduate School of Development Policy and Practice, University of Cape Town. Retrieved from
- Loulichki, M., Hirsch, A., (Eds.). (2024). The Wider Atlantic: Building Interdependence and Solidarity in a Fragmented World (11th ed.). Atlantic Currents, Policy Center for the New South. Retrieved from
- Lopes, C., & Hirsch, A. (2020, September 28). African narratives vs. African development strategy. OECD Development Matters [Blog post]. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2020, April 28). South Africa—can its achievement in containing COVID-19 lead to sustained success in dealing with the crisis? OECD Development Matters [Blog post]. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2024, February 2). South Africa needs to manage migrants better. That requires cleaning up the Department of Home Affairs. The Conversation.
- Hirsch, A. (2024, June 17). As Long as it Catches the Mice. News24.
- Hirsch, A. (2024, July 21). Zimbabwean migrants: South Africa’s anti-immigrant sentiments are hindering policy reform. The Conversation.
- Hirsch, A. (2023, November 30). Visa-free travel for Africans: why Kenya and Rwanda have taken a step in the right direction. Daily Maverick.
- Hirsch, A. (2023, January 19). Free movement of people across Africa: regions are showing how it can work. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2022, October 03). Migration policy in South Africa — how should we be thinking about it? Daily Maverick. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2022, January 31). For the first time since the global financial crisis, South Africa has an opportunity to master its economic fate. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2022, January 16). African countries are stuck on the free movement of people. How to break the logjam. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2019, May 17). South Africa has a new presidential advisory unit. Will it improve policy? The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2018, October 29). Did South Africa’s Investment Summit mark a Game-Changing moment? The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2018, October 11). South Africa won’t create jobs unless it settles on a new social compact. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2018, July 30). The free movement of people is an AU ambition: what’s standing in its way. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2018, July 11). How young activists are keeping Mandela’s legacy alive across Africa. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2018, April 5). Ramaphosa’s economic to-do list: Seven economic policy areas that will shift the dial. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2017, June 20). Pursuing a 30-year old bailout is sending South Africa on a wild goose chase. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Naik, N., Hirsch, A., & Rossouw, J. (2017, May 16). South Africa’s Reserve Bank is in the eye of a storm. Academics quiz the governor. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2017, January 8). Africa is poised for sustainable growth and development. But there are risks. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2016, October 12). Why South Africa faces a train smash if its finance minister is removed. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2016, February 25). South Africa’s budget promises will require buckets of political capital. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2015, December 23). How compromises and mistakes made in the Mandela era hobbled South Africa’s economy. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A. (2015, December 10). The removal of South Africa’s finance minister is bad news for the country. The Conversation. Retrieved from
- Hirsch, A., & Levy, B. (2015, May 28). The missing middle of South Africa’s economic ladder threatens stability. The Conversation. Retrieved from
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