
Joseph Kofi Teye

Migration Governance Reform Project Advisory Board


Accra, Ghana



Professor Joseph Kofi Teye is a Co-director of UKRI South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub and immediate past Director of the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana. He is also currently the Director of Research at the Office of Research Innovation and Development at the University of Ghana. He holds a PhD in Geography from the University of Leeds and an MPhil in Social Change from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His current research interests include migration and development, migration policy development, environmental change and migration, and natural resource governance. Joseph has participated in large research projects funded by international organizations, including U.K. Research & Innovation; the U.K. Department for International Development; the European Union; the African, Caribbean and Pacific Observatory on Migration; the International Labour Organization; and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). He has facilitated the development of the National Labour Migration Policy and the National Migration Policy for Ghana and a number of African countries. Joseph is a high-level advisor on migration research and policy for IOM. He is also a member of the international advisory board on Canada Excellence Research in Migration and Integration.


    Journal Articles

    1. Mensah, J and Teye, J. K. (2021). A Geographic Theorization of Zongos in Urban Ghana: A Complex Systems Approach, Ghana Journal of Geography, (13), 2.
    2. Mantey, P. K. K. and Teye, J. K. (2021). Forest Dependence among Rural Households in Southern Ghana: Implications for Conservation and Poverty Reduction. Ghana Journal of Geography 13 (1), 1-24.
    3. Teye, J. K., Torvikey, G.D. and Yaro, J. A. (2021). Changing Labour Relations in Commercial Agrarian Landscapes in Ghana. Labour Questions in the Global South, 413-438
    4. Awumbila, M., Deshingkar, P, Kandilige, L, Teye, J.K. and Setrana, M ( 2018). Please, thank you and sorry – brokering migration and constructing identities for domestic work in Ghana, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2018.152809
    5. Awumbila, M., Teye, J. K., & Yaro, J. A. (2017). Social networks, migration trajectories and livelihood strategies of migrant domestic and construction workers in Accra, Ghana. Journal of African and Asian Studies, doi: 10.1177/0021909616634743.
    6. Yaro, J.A , Teye,J. K. & Torvikey, D, G (2017). Agricultural commercialisation models, agrarian dynamics and local development in Ghana, TheJournal of Peasant Studies, 44:3, 538-554
    7. Farm to farm Gendered  Employment: The case of the Blue Skies Scheme in Ghana:  Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy 5(1) 77–97
    8. Awumbila, M., Teye, J. K., & Yaro, J. A. (2016). Of silent maids, skilled gardeners and careful madams: Gendered dynamics and strategies of migrant domestic workers in Accra, Ghana. GeoJournal, 81(3). doi: 10.1007/s10708-016-9711-5.
    9. Yaro, J. A., & Teye, J. K., Torvikey, D. (2016). Historical context of agricultural commercialization in Ghana: Changes in land and labor relations. Journal of African and Asian Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0021909616657368
    10. Yaro, J. A., Teye, J. K., & Awumbila, M. (2015). The life struggles and successes of the migrant construction worker in Accra, Ghana. Ghana Journal of Geography, 7(2), 113–131.
    11. Bawakyillenuo, S., Yaro, J. A., & Teye, J. K. (2016). Exploring the autonomous adaptation strategies to climate change and climate variability in selected villages in the rural northern savannah zone of Ghana. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 21(3), 361–382. DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2014.965671.
    12. Teye, J. K., Yaro, J. A., & Bawakyillenuo, S. (2015). Local farmers’ experiences and perceptions of climate change in the Northern Savannah Zone of Ghana. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 7(3), 327–347.
    13. Teye, J. K., Acheampong, A. A, and Setrana, M. K. (2015). Migration of health professionals from Ghana: Trends, drivers, and emerging issues. Current Politics and Economics of Africa, 8(3), 459–486.
    14. Yaro, J. A., Teye, J. K, & Bawakyillenuo, S. (2015). Local institutions and adaptive capacity to climate change/variability in the northern savannah of Ghana. Climate and Development, 7(3), 235–245. DOI:10.1080/17565529.2014.951018
    15. Teye, J. K., Arhim, A. A., Anamzoya, A. (2015). Achievements and challenges of the national health insurance in Ghana. Current Politics and Economics of Africa, 8(3), 487–511.
    16. Yaro, J. A., Teye, J. K., & Awumbila, M. (2015). The life struggles and successes of the migrant construction worker in Accra, Ghana. Ghana Journal of Geography, 7(2), 113–131.
    17. Teye, J. K, Teye, I. & Asiedu, M. O. (2015). Financing housing in Ghana: Challenges to the development of formal mortgage system. Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 30, 1–16.DOI: 10.1007/s10901-013-9376-z.
    18. Obeng, F. A, Wrigley-Asante, C., & Teye, J. K. (2015). Working conditions in Ghana’s export processing zone and women’s empowerment. Work Organisation, Labour & Globalization,9(2), 64–78.
    19. Owusu, K., & Teye, J. K. (2015). Supplementing urban water supply with rainwater harvesting in Accra, Ghana. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 31(4), 630–639. DOI: 10.1080/07900627.2014.927752.
    20. Teye, J. K., & Yebleh, M. (2015). Living without economic assets: Livelihoods of Liberian refugees in the Buduburam Camp, Ghana. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16(3), 557–574. DOI 10.1007/s12134-014-0352-6.
    21. Yiran, G.A., Teye, J. K., & Yiran, G.A.B. (2015). Accessibility and utilisation of maternal health services by migrant female head porters in Accra. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 16, 929–945. DOI: 10.1007/s12134-014-0372-2.
    22. Azabre, B. A., Teye, J. K., & Yaro, J. A. (2013). Malaria control strategies in the Kassena-Nankana East and West Districts of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Geography, 5(1), 102-120.
    23. Teye, J. K. (2013). Analyzing Forest resource governance in Africa: Proposition for an integrated policy network model. Journal of Forest Policy and Economics, 26, 63–70.
    24. Teye J. K (2013). Economic value of children and fertility preferences in a fishing community in Ghana. GeoJournal, 78, 697–708, DOI 10.1007/s10708-012-9460-z, Springer.
    25. Teye, J. K (2013). Modern contraceptive use among women in the Asuogyaman District of Ghana: Is reliability more important than health concerns? African Journal of Reproductive Health, 17(2), 58–71.
    26. Teye, J. K. (2013).Corruption and illegal logging in Ghana. International Development Planning Review, 35(1), 1–19.
    27. Teye, J. K. (2012). Benefits, challenges, and dynamism of positionalities associated with mixed methods research in developing countries: Evidence from Ghana. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 6(4), 379–391.
    28. Joyce Komesuor and Teye, J. K. (2012). Effects of mass media and tobacco promotion on smoking among adolescents in Ghana. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(9), 136–146.
    29. Teye, J. K. (2011). Ambiguities of forest management decentralization in Ghana. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research3(4), 355–369
    30. Teye, J. K. (2011). A chronological assessment of Ghana’s forestry policies inprecolonial and colonial era: Lessons for forest management incontemporary Ghana. African Journal of Social Sciences, 1(2), 125–139.
    31. Teye, J. K. (2010). Policy networks and forest resource management in Ghana. Ghana Geographical Journal, 2, 137–162.
    32. Teye, J. K.  (2005). Condom use as a means of HIV/AIDS prevention and fertility control among the Krobos of Ghana. Norwegian Journal of Geography 59(1), 65–73

    Book and Book Chapters

    1. Awumbila, M, Badasu, D and Teye, J.K (Eds) (2017). Migration in a Globalizing World: Perspectives from Ghana. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers
    2. Teye, J.K. (2017). Environmental Change and Migration in Africa. In  Awumbila, M, Badasu, D and Teye, J.K (Eds) (2017). Migration in a Globalizing World: Perspectives from Ghana. Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers ( pp 89-106)
    3. Teye, J. K., Alhassan, O., & Setrana, M (2017). Evolution and nature of diaspora engagement policies in Ghana. In J. R. Mangala (Ed), Africa and its Global Diaspora: The Policy and Politics of Emigration. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
    4. Obour, P.B, Owusu, K and Teye, J.K (2017) From Seasonal Migrants to Settiers: Climate Change and Permanent Migration to the Transitional Zone of Ghana. In Tonah, S. Boatemaa, M.S and Arthur, J.A (Eds). Migration and Development in Africa: Trends, Challenges and Policy Implications. New York and London: Migration and Development in Africa Trends, Challenges and Policy Implications Edited by Steve Tonah, Mary Boatemaa Setrana, and John A. Arthur Lexington Books.
    5. Yaro, J. A., Teye, J. K, & Bawakyillenuo, S. (2016). An assessment of determinants of adaptive capacity to climate change/variability in the rural savannah of Ghana. In J. A. Yaro & J. Hesselberg (Eds.), Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Rural West Africa (pp. 59-82). Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    6. Teye, J. K & Owusu, K (2015). Dealing with climate change in the Coastal Savannah Zone of Ghana: In situ adaptation strategies and migration. In F. Hillmann, M. Pahl, B. Rafflenbeal & H. Sterly (Eds), Environmental Change, Adaptation and Migration (pp 223-244). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    7. Teye, J. K., Awumbila, M., & Benneh, Y. (2015). Intra-regional migration in the ECOWAS region: Trends and emerging challenges. In A., B. Akoutou, R. Sohn, M. Vogl & D. Yeboah (Eds), Migration and Civil Society as Development Drivers – A Regional Perspective (pp. 97-124). Bonn: Zei Centre for European Integration Studies.
    8. Awumbila, M., Benneh, Y., Teye, J. K. & Atiim, G. (2014). Across Artificial Borders: An Assessment of Labour Migration in the ECOWAS Region.Brussels: ACP Observatory on Migration and IOMhttps://publications.iom.int/sytems/files/pdf/ecowas_region.pdf
    9. Teye, J. K. (2013). Forest governance in Ghana. In G. Owusu, P. W. K. Yankson, S. Agyei-Mensah & E.M. Attua (Eds). Selected Readings in Geography (pp.179-192). Accra: Woeli Publishing Services.
    10. Teye, J. K. (2013). Ghana’s National Strategy on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+): Implications of Existing Benefit Sharing Mechanisms. In S, Maillet, L, Valcourt (Eds). Natural Resources: Conservation Strategies, Globalisation & Politics and Sustainable Uses (pp.103-128). New York: Nova Science Publishers.

    Peer-Reviewed Technical Publications/Working Papers

    1. Teye, J. K. and E Nikoi (2021). The Political Economy of the Cocoa Value Chain in Ghana. APRA, Future Agricultures Consortium
    2. K Amanor, J Yaro, J. Teye (2020) Long-Term Change And Agricultural Commercialisation In Ghanaian Cocoa. APRA, Future Agricultures Consortium
    3. S Ayele, J Thorpe, G Ayele, H Chingaipe, JK Teye, P O’Flynn (2020). Agribusiness Investment in Agricultural Commercialisation: Rethinking Policy Incentives in Africa. APRA Working Paper, Brighton: Agricultural Policy Research in Africa Consortium
    4. M Gravesen, F Jarawura, N Kleist, LS Lindegaard, J.K. Teye (2020). Governance, climate change and mobility in Ghana DIIS Working Paper
    5. Teye, J.K, Awumbila, M.A and Darkwa, A (2017). Gendered dynamics of remitting and remittance use in Northern Ghana. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 48 University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    6. Awumbila, M., Deshingkar, P, Kandilige, L, Teye, J.K. and Setrana, M (2017). Brokerage in migrant domestic work in Ghana: complex social relations and mixed outcomes. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 47. University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    7. Awumbila,M,   Boakye-Yiadom, L  Egger, Eva-Maria,  Litchfield, J , Teye , J.K. and  Yeboah, C (2016). Gains and Losses from Internal Migration: Evidence from Migrant-Sending Households in Ghana. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 44. University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    8. Darkwah, A. Awumbila,M and Teye, J.K ( 2016). Of Local Places and Local People: Understanding Migration in Peripheral Capitalist Outpost. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 43. University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    9. Awumbila, M., Teye, J .K., Litchfield, J.  Boakye-Yiadom, L. Deshingkar, P. & Quartey P. (2015).  Are migrant households better off than non-migrant households? Evidence from Ghana. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 28. University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    10. Awumbila, M., Owusu, G., & Teye, J. K. (2014) Can rural-urban migration into slums reduce poverty? Evidence from Ghana. Migrating out of Poverty (MOP) Working Paper 13. University of Sussex. [migratingoutofpoverty.dfid.gov.uk]
    11. Awumbila, M. & Teye, J. K. (2014). Diaspora and migration policy and institutional frameworks.  Ghana Country Report, INTERACT RR 2014/31, RobertSchuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute.
    12. Teye, J. K. (2005). Deforestation in Ghana. In K. Potthoff, K. (ed.), Human Landscape EcologyActa Geographica–Trondheim, Series A, No. 10. pp 9-23, ISSN 1502-2390, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
  • Joseph Kofi Teye