
Laura Hammond

Migration Governance Reform Project Advisory Board


London, UK



Laura Hammond is Pro Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange and Professor of Development Studies at SOAS University of London, and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. She has been conducting research on food security, conflict, migration and diasporas in and from the Horn of Africa since the early 1990s. She lived in Ethiopia from 1993-2000, conducting research and working for various aid agencies. She is Head of the London International Development Centre-Migration Leadership Team, Team Leader of the EU Trust Fund’s Research and Evidence Facility on migration and conflict in the Horn of Africa, and Co-Director of the SOAS Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies. Laura has done consultancy for a wide range of development and humanitarian organizations, including UNDP, USAID, Oxfam, Medécins Sans Frontières, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and the World Food Programme. She is the author of ‘This Place Will Become Home: Refugee Repatriation to Ethiopia’ (Cornell University Press: 2004) and several book and journal articles.

  • Laura Hammond