
Dissecting Migration Myths: Alan Hirsch reviews Hein de Haas’s latest work


Alan Hirsch, leader of the Migration Governance Reform Program at the New South Institute (NSI), has reviewed Hein de Haas’s latest book, “How Migration Really Works: A Factful Guide to the Most Divisive Issue in Politics,” published by Penguin/Viking in 2023. De Haas, an esteemed migration scholar, provides an evidence-based examination of migration, challenging many prevailing myths.

De Haas’s book argues that migration is intrinsically linked to economic development and is inevitable as long as there are disparities in wealth and opportunity. His analysis reveals that development does not curb migration; rather, it enables people from developing countries to seek better opportunities abroad. This perspective aligns with Hirsch’s review, which highlights the rationality and agency of migrants, contrary to common portrayals of them as victims of trafficking or misinformation.

The NSI’s Migration Governance Reform Program, initiated in 2023 under Hirsch’s leadership, aims to shape migration policies through empirical research and evidence-based recommendations. Hirsch himself authored the foundational report, “Framing a Study of African Migration Governance Reform – Towards Freer Movement,” which set the stage for the program’s comprehensive agenda. One of the latest additions to this program is “An Analysis of Migration Governance Frameworks in Nigeria,” authored by Victor Amadi. This report continues the in-depth examination of migration governance issues across Africa, following Hirsch’s detailed analysis of South African migration policies and Michael Mutava’s exploration of broader continental trends.

Hirsch’s review in the South African Journal of International Affairs underscores the importance of evidence-based migration policies. He critiques simplistic views and emphasizes the need for informed policy-making that reflects the complexities of migration.

For those interested in a deeper understanding of migration dynamics, Hein de Haas’s book, as reviewed by Alan Hirsch, offers valuable insights grounded in rigorous research. Readers are encouraged to explore the full review in the South African Journal of International Affairs and engage with the NSI’s ongoing work in migration governance reform.

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