Exploring the Challenges of Global Capitalism: NSI in Conversation with Professor William I. Robinson
New South Institute co-founder and research fellow Jelena Vidojević and Distinguished Fellow Radmila Nakarada recently conducted an insightful interview with Distinguished Professor William I. Robinson, published on the educational website Brave New Europe. The trio delve into the intricacies of the current global capitalist crisis and the potential impact of its survival on human society.
The interview was enriched by the knowledge of Robinson, a distinguished professor of sociology, global and international studies, and Latin American and Iberian studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His critical engagement with global capitalism, international politics and social justice movements, as well as works such as ‘The Global Police State‘ and ‘Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity‘, provided valuable context for this discussion.
At a recent NSI reading club meeting, Robinson’s ‘Global Capitalism and the Crisis of Humanity’ was reviewed by Jelena Vidojević, providing an essential context for this interview. She described the book as “an original and provocative exposé of the crisis of global capitalism in its multiple dimensions”.

The interview delves into the current crisis of global capitalism, which has been described as unprecedented in its scale, global reach, ecological degradation and threat to human survival. They explore the consequences of unchecked capitalism, its possible evolution, plausible future scenarios and the need for radical resistance and reform.
The discussion leads to disturbing futures, such as a global police state where a small elite thrives behind iron-clad walls, controlling labour and resources while the majority suffers. Yet they emphasise the importance of contingency, global revolt and class struggle in shaping the future.
In conclusion, the in-depth conversation between NSI scholars and Professor William I. Robinson provides a critical examination of the precarious state of global capitalism and its tangible impacts on society and the environment. The potential outcomes discussed in this dialogue, from the emergence of a global police state to radical reform and resistance, underscore the necessity of understanding the dynamics of this crisis. We invite you to delve deeper into these themes and explore the full conversation published on the Brave New Europe website.