
NSI Information Session: The Public Service Amendment Bill and Its Implications


We are proud to have witnessed a landmark moment in this journey—the passing of the Public Service Amendment Bill. This legislation is a cornerstone for advancing good governance and integrity in South Africa.

Following this historic event, we hosted an information session to unpack the significance of the bill and what it means for the future of public administration in our country. This online event was designed for those who are invested in the ideals of a democratic government that is accountable, transparent, and serves the people effectively.

Targeted Audience:

  • Policy makers and public sector officials
  • Academics and legal professionals in the field of public administration
  • Civil society representatives and advocacy groups
  • Members of the media covering governance and public service

Session Details:

For those who missed the live session, you can watch the recorded session.

The session featured expert discussions, peer interactions, and insights into how this bill can reshape our public service landscape. It highlighted the bill’s key features, its impact, and how individuals can contribute to this positive change.

The focus was on the realignment of administrative authority and the expected outcomes of the bill. Our goal was to facilitate an informed discussion on the bill’s impact and to clarify any questions or considerations that may arise.

We encourage everyone directly or indirectly involved in public service and governance to watch the recorded session. Your engagement and contributions are invaluable.

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