Ivor Chipkin
Co-Founder and Director

Johannesburg, South Africa
Ivor Chipkin is the Co-Founder and Director of the New South Institute (NSI). He was the founder and director of the Public Affairs Research Institute (PARI) at the University of the Witwatersrand and the University of Cape Town for ten years before that. In 2017 Chipkin, with several colleagues, wrote and released the Betrayal of the Promise report, a study of state capture that had a huge political impact in South Africa. Chipkin completed his PhD at the Ecole Normale Superieure in France, where he also did his DEA. Chipkin was an Oppenheimer Fellow at Oxford University. He is the author of Do South Africans Exist? (WUP: 2007) and Shadow State: the politics of state capture with Mark Swilling (WUP: 2018).
- Chipkin, I (Forthcoming). Democracy is not the only game in town. Elite Contestation and the Future of South Africa, Journal of Southern African Studies.
- Chipkin, I. (2024). On Contradiction et al. Overcoming the Crisis of Government in South Africa. Journal of Public Administration, 59(1). https://doi.org/10.53973/jopa.2024.59.1.a2
- Chipkin, I. (2023). Nazism, nationalism and the war in Ukraine: A reply to Kögler. European Journal of Social Theory, 26(4). https://doi.org/10.1177/13684310231165215
- Chipkin, I. (2023). Nazism, contemporary Europe and the war in Ukraine. New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, 2023(88). https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-nagenda_v2023_n88_a7
- Chipkin, I., & Swilling, M. (2022). Politiques de la trahison: Comment la nation est dévalisée. NAQD, 40, 162-195. https://doi.org/10.3917/naqd.040.0162 (In French)
- Chipkin, I., & Vidojević, J. (2022). Time and temporality in organisations: The case of Eskom. Development Southern Africa, 39(2), 237-250. DOI: 10.1080/0376835X.2021.1981829.
- Chipkin, I. (2022). The dark side of democracy: Popular sovereignty, decolonisation and dictatorship. Političke perspektive: časopis za istraživanje politike [Political Perspectives: Journal for Political Research], 12(1), 35-52. https://doi.org/10.20901/pp.12.1.02
- Chipkin, I. (2022). Why has SA state capture not led to growth and development, as it did in China? New Agenda: South African Journal of Social and Economic Policy, 2022(86). Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/10520/ejc-nagenda_v2022_n86_a4
- Vidojević, J., & Chipkin, I. (2021). The gendered character of welfare: reconsidering vulnerability and violence in South Africa. Social Dynamics, 47(3), 472-487. DOI: 10.1080/02533952.2021.1992878
- Chipkin, I. (2021). From democracy as a political system to democracy as government: A contribution to democratic theory from public administration. Transformation: Critical Perspectives on Southern Africa, 105, 1-25. DOI: 10.1353/trn.2021.0004
- Chipkin, I. (2018). Sovereignty and Government in Africa after Independence. Social Imaginaries, 4(1), 113-131. https://doi.org/10.5840/si2018416
- Chipkin, I., Khan, F., Nakarada, R., Stubbs, P., & Vidojević, J. (2023). Theory from the Non-Aligned Movement and the Global South and their Afterlives. Jacana Publishing. (forthcoming).
- Chipkin, I., & Swilling, M. (2018). Shadow State: The Politics of State Capture (with Peter, C., Friedenstein, H., Bhorat, H., Mondi, L., Qobo, M., Prins, N., & Duma, S.). Wits University Press. https://shop.wits.ac.za/product/shadow-state-state-capture/
- Chipkin, I. (2007). Do South Africans Exist?: Nationalism, Democracy and the Identity of ‘the People.’ Wits University Press. https://doi.org/10.18772/12007044457
- Chipkin, I. (2022). Zondo and the Topography of Power: Prologue. In F. Haffajee (Ed.), Days of Zondo: The Fight for Freedom from Corruption. Johannesburg: Maverick451. Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/zondo-and-the-topography-of-power/
- Chipkin, I. (2018) ‘The End of Tyranny: How Civil Society in South Africa Fought Back’, in C. Rodríguez-Garavito and K. Gomez (eds) Rising to the Populist Challenge. A New Playbook for Human Rights Actors, pp. 101–12. Bogotá: Dejusticia. Retrieved from https://www.dejusticia.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Rising-to-the-populist-challenge_1.pdf
- Chipkin, I. (2017) ‘Corruption’s Other Scene: The Politics of Corruption in South Africa’, in J. Murphy and N. Jammulamadaka (eds) Governance, Resistance and the Post-Colonial State: Management and State Building (Routledge Studies in Management and State Building), pp. 21–44. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Governance-Resistance-Post-Colonial-State-Organizations/dp/1138681377
- Swilling, M., Bhorat, H., Buthelezi, M., Chipkin, I., Duma, S., Mondi, L., Peter, C., Qobo, M., & Friedenstein, H. (2017). Betrayal of the Promise: How South Africa Is Being Stolen (pp. 1-72). State Capacity Research Project. Convenor: M. Swilling. Cape Town: University of Cape Town. Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/betrayal-of-the-promise-how-south-africa-is-being-stolen%ef%bf%bc/
- Chipkin, I. (2024). Democracy, power and evidence-informed policy-making: The case of public service reform in South Africa. Bristol: University of Bristol.
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2024). Beyond Political Discretion. Reforming South Africa’s Senior Civil Service (NSI White Paper). Johannesburg: New South Institute.
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2024). Towards a Merit-Based Senior Civil Service: Strategies for Reform in South Africa (NSI Policy Brief). Johannesburg: New South Institute.
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2024). The 5Cs of Current Crisis of Government and How to Overcome Them (NSI Report). Johannesburg: New South Institute. https://nsi.org.za/publications/south-african-public-service-reform-insights/
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2023). The Five Cs of the Contemporary Crisis of Government and How to Overcome Them (NSI Working Paper). New South Institute. Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/south-african-public-service-reform-insights/
- Chipkin, I. (2023). South Africa: An Agenda for Reform. [Policy Brief]. Retrieved from New South Institute (NSI) website: https://nsi.org.za/publications/public
- Chipkin, I. (2023). The Function of the Police: Crime, Social Emergencies, and Disorder. [Report]. Retrieved from New South Institute (NSI) website: https://nsi.org.za/publications/south-african-police-reform/
- Chipkin, I., Le Roux, M., & Leite, R. (2022). Personalising and De-Personalising Power: The Appointment of Executive Officers in Key State Institutions. Policy Brief. Johannesburg: New South Institute (NSI). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/personalising-and-de-personalising-power-the-appointment-of-executive-officers-in-key-state-institutions/
- Chipkin, I., Vidojević, J., Rau, L., & Saksenberg, D. (2022). Dangerous Elites: Protest, conflict and the future of South Africa (Southern Africa Report 49). Johannesburg: Institute for Security Studies (ISS) and Government and Public Policy (GAPP). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/dangerous-elites-protest-conflict-and-the-future-of-south-africa/
- Leite, R., & Chipkin, I. (2021). The Paradox of Reform: A response to the Ramaphosa government’s proposal for professionalising the public service. GAPP Working Paper, 1(5), 1-34. Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/the-paradox-of-reform-a-response-to-the-ramaphosa-governments-proposal-for-professionalising-the-public-service/
- Chipkin, I. (2020). The Provincialisation of Power in South Africa. GAPP Working Paper, 1(2). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/the-provincialisation-of-power-in-south-africa/
- Chipkin, I., & Vidojević, J. (2020). Overcoming the Challenges of Governance: A New Way of Monitoring and Predicting Organisational Capacity. GAPP Working Paper, 1(3). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/overcoming-the-challenges-of-governance-a-new-way-of-monitoring-and-predicting-organisational-capacity/
- Chipkin, I. (2020). Defining ‘State Capture’ in South Africa: Democracy, Bureaucratic Autonomy and Elite Populism. GAPP Working Paper, 1(1). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/defining-state-capture-in-south-africa-democracy-bureaucratic-autonomy-and-elite-populism/
- Chipkin, I., Moloi, P., Lehohla, P., & Ajam, T. (2020). The governance of economic planning [Report]. Government and Public Policy (GAPP). Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/the-governance-of-economic-planning/
- Chipkin, I. (2022). Making Sense of State Capture in South Africa. Government and Public Policy Think-tank. Submission to the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State. Retrieved from https://nsi.org.za/publications/submission-to-the-state-capture-commission-making-sense-of-state-capture-in-south-africa/
- Chipkin, I. (2024, March 3). The Public Service Amendment Bill could clip the wings of politicians in public service hiring. News24.
- Chipkin, I. (2024, March 3). History has been made, paving the way for major public service reform in South Africa. Global Government Forum.
- Chipkin, I. (2024, June 10). If Ramaphosa is gone in the dawn. News24.
- Chipkin, I. (2024, July 23). Could real reform of the civil service be on the cards at last? Sunday Times.
- Chipkin, I. (2024, May 28). South Africa’s Faustian bet on everything from electricity to Israel. The Jewish Independent.
- Leite, R., & Chipkin, I. (2024, April 12). Political influence or merit-based appointments? How South Africa can resolve the tension over top public service jobs. Global Government Forum.
- Chipkin, I. (2023, October 5). Civil service reform could spell massive change and be defining legacy of the Ramaphosa administration. Daily Maverick.
- Chipkin, I. (2023, April 13). The very basics of a tolerable life – safety, light and water – are insecure because of institutional failures. Daily Maverick.
- Chipkin, I., & Vidojević, J. (2023, October 26). Africa is not a Country. Brave New Europe. Retrieved from https://braveneweurope.com/ivor-chipkin-jelena-vidojevic-africa-is-not-a-country
- Chipkin, I. (2023, April 13). The very basics of a tolerable life – safety, light and water – are insecure because of institutional failures. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2023-04-13-safety-light-water-why-the-basics-of-a-tolerable-life-are-insecure/
- Leite, R., & Chipkin, I. (2023, April 12). Political influence or merit-based appointments? How South Africa can resolve the tension over top public service jobs. Global Government Forum. Retrieved from https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/political-influence-or-merit-based-appointments-how-south-africa-can-resolve-the-tension-over-top-public-service-jobs/
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2023, March 26). Can public administration be professionalised? An ingenious plan, put on ice, needs to be renewed. Sunday Times. Retrieved from https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/opinion-and-analysis/opinion/2023-03-26-can-public-administration-be-professionalised/
- Leite, R., & Chipkin, I. (2023, January 4). Building blocks: lessons from the global south on reforming the architecture of government. Global Government Forum. Retrieved from https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/building-blocks-lessons-from-the-global-south-on-reforming-the-architecture-of-government/
- Chipkin, I. (2022, December 04). Phala Phala is not a crisis for South Africa; it is a crisis for Cyril Ramaphosa and the ANC. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2022-12-04-phala-phala-is-not-a-crisis-for-south-africa-it-is-a-crisis-for-cyril-ramaphosa-and-the-anc/
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2022, October 25). After state capture: How to reform the South African state. PoliticsWeb. Retrieved from https://www.politicsweb.co.za/opinion/its-time-to-rebuild
- Chipkin, I. (22, October 16). ‘If China Can Make Corruption Work In Its Favour, Why Not South Africa?’ in Sunday Times, Available at: https://www.timeslive.co.za/sunday-times/opinion-and-analysis/opinion/2022-10-16-if-china-can-make-corruption-work-in-its-favour-why-not-south-africa/
- Chipkin, I. (2022, October 11). The idea of South Africa is blowing in the wind – we are in the middle of an epochal change. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2022-10-11-nationalism-and-south-africa-we-are-in-the-middle-of-an-epochal-change/
- Chipkin, I. (2022, June 30). Holding the bureaucratic line. BusinessLive. Retrieved from https://www.businesslive.co.za/fm/opinion/on-my-mind/2022-06-30-ivor-chipkin-holding-the-bureaucratic-line/
- Chipkin, I. (2022, June 27). A tale of two countries: why has state capture seen China boom and South Africa bust? Global Government Forum. Retrieved from https://www.globalgovernmentforum.com/a-tale-of-two-countries-why-has-state-capture-seen-china-boom-and-south-africa-bust/
- Chipkin, I., & Leite, R. (2021, November 07). The ANC years: Democracy suffers when there’s a disconnect between the head and the body. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-11-07-the-anc-years-democracy-suffers-when-theres-a-disconnect-between-the-head-and-the-body/
- Van den Heever, A., Chipkin, I., Vidojević, J., & Eliseeva, A. (2021, November 4). Why South Africa needs a universal basic income grant. New Frame. Retrieved from https://www.newframe.com/why-south-africa-needs-a-universal-basic-income-grant/
- Butler, A., & Chipkin, I. (2021, April 27). What is at stake in government reform? Nothing less than holding the country together. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-04-27-what-is-at-stake-in-government-reform-nothing-less-than-holding-the-country-together/
- Butler, A., & Chipkin, I. (2021, April 25). Ramaphosa must now make good on his public service reform promise. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2021-04-25-ramaphosa-must-now-make-good-on-his-public-service-reform-promise/
- Chipkin, I. (2021, April 23). Will President Ramaphosa be ready to stand up to the ANC’s Ramaphosa? News24. Retrieved from https://www.news24.com/news24/opinions/fridaybriefing/ivor-chipkin-will-president-ramaphosa-be-ready-to-stand-up-to-the-ancs-ramaphosa-20210422
- Chipkin, I. (2020, November 30). The paradox of local government: Sacrificing service delivery at the altar of equity. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2020-11-30-the-paradox-of-local-government-sacrificing-service-delivery-at-the-altar-of-equity/
- Chipkin, I. (2020, October 14). Let a thousand citizen blossoms bloom – kickstarting and policing the SA economy. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2020-10-14-let-a-thousand-citizen-blossoms-bloom-kickstarting-and-policing-the-sa-economy/
- Chipkin, I., & Khumalo, B. (2020, August 19). Economic Crisis & Renewal: The paradox of government in South Africa. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-08-19-economic-crisis-renewal-the-paradox-of-government-in-south-africa/
- Moloi, P., Lehohla, P., Yako, P., Ajam, T., & Chipkin, I. (2020, May 19). Getting government right, now – and after Covid-19. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-05-19-getting-government-right-now-and-after-covid-19/
- Chipkin, I., & Vidojević, J. (2020, April 29). Universal Basic Income Grant: When nothing is affordable, we had better choose the best unaffordable solution. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-04-29-universal-basic-income-grant-when-nothing-is-affordable-we-had-better-choose-the-best-unaffordable-solution/
- Chipkin, I. (2020, April 20). ‘Pencil pushers’ aren’t the issue: bureaucrats are inappropriately politicised. BusinessLive. Retrieved from https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/opinion/2020-04-20-pencil-pushers-arent-the-issue-bureaucrats-are-inappropriately-politicised/
- Vidojević, J., & Chipkin, I. (2019, October 31). Breaking Eskom’s death spiral: The answer’s in the data. Daily Maverick. Retrieved from https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2019-10-31-breaking-eskoms-death-spiral-the-answers-in-the-data/
- Chipkin, I. (2019, February 22). Provincial elites catapulted into the cabinet weaken state capacity. BusinessLive. Retrieved from https://www.businesslive.co.za/bd/opinion/2019-02-22-provincial-elites-catapulted-into-the-cabinet-weaken-state-capacity/
- Swilling, M., & Chipkin, I. (2018, August 21). Shadow State: The Politics of State Capture – how it all came together. News24. Retrieved from https://www.news24.com/life/books/shadow-state-the-politics-of-state-capture-how-it-all-came-together-20180821
It should be noted that the following list represents the most current work of Ivor Chipkin, dating from 2020 onwards. For a more comprehensive collection of his publications, please click here.
Scholarly Articles
Book Chapters
Policy Documents
Additional Works