
Rafael Leite

Research Fellow


São Paulo, Brazil



Rafael Leite is a specialist in public management. He is graduated in public administration at FGV/EAESP, with academic exchange at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC). He is a research fellow at the think tank New South Institute (NSI). He was a consultant at the Lemann Foundation, Leader of Institutional Relations at Vetor Brasil, Project Coordinator at Comunitas and Consultant in Public Management at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). He had work experience in the Government of Chile (National Directorate of Civil Service) and in the Municipality of São Paulo (Office of the Comptroller General). He also developed academic research projects (Center for Studies in Public Administration and Government/GVceapg and Management and Public Policy Laboratory/GPPlab), receiving awards and participating in national and international conferences. He is interested in State Modernization and Reform issues.

  • Rafael Leite

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