
Understanding the Role of Nazism and Nationalism in the Ukraine Conflict: Ivor Chipkin Responds to Kögler


The ongoing conflict in Ukraine is a complex issue with deep historical and political roots. NSI Executive Director Ivor Chipkin brings a new perspective to this conversation in his article “Nazism, nationalism and the war in Ukraine: A reply to Kögler“, where he responds to Hans-Herbert Kögler’s paper on the moral call to defend Ukraine.

Chipkin delves into the significance of Nazism and its role in shaping the war, suggesting that Putin’s reference to Nazism might not primarily be about the Holocaust, but rather the murder and enslavement of millions of Slavs and Russians. This focus on the historical implications of Nazism on Slavs and the national formation of Russian identity adds nuance to the debate surrounding the conflict.

By examining the historical trauma experienced by Russians, Chipkin encourages readers to consider the broader context of the war and the complexities of the involved parties’ motivations. His response to Kögler’s article offers valuable insights for those interested in understanding the different perspectives on the Ukraine conflict.

Both Chipkin’s and Kögler’s articles can be found in the European Journal of Social Theory. We encourage NSI readers to visit the journal’s website and read both texts in full to gain a comprehensive understanding of this important issue.

As a research institute committed to shaping public policy and enriching public debate, the NSI is proud to have our Executive Director contribute to this vital discussion. We hope that this article will provide valuable insights for those interested in the intersection of Nazism, nationalism, and the ongoing war in Ukraine.

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