
An Analysis of Migration Governance Frameworks in Kenya

The New South Institute (NSI) announces the release of “An Analysis of Migration Governance Frameworks in Kenya,” authored by Michael Mutava. This report is the latest addition to the Migration Governance Reform in Africa Program (MIGRA).

Key Insights from the Kenya Study

Michael Mutava’s  study on Kenya highlights  the country’s migration governance frameworks,meticulously structured to provide detailed insights into several critical areas:

Historical and Policy Evolution: The report begins by tracing the historical development of migration policies in Kenya, from pre-colonial times through colonial and post-colonial periods, highlighting how these historical contexts have shaped contemporary governance frameworks.
Current Migration Dynamics: The study examines present-day migration patterns in Kenya, analysing their socio-economic impacts and discussing their alignment with regional commitments such as the East African Community (EAC) protocols and other international agreements.
Policy Implementation and Gaps: A critical evaluation of the implementation of key legislative measures, such as the Immigration Act of 2011 and the Refugees Act of 2021, reveals significant gaps. Mutava, an NSI research fellow, identifies areas where policy implementation falls short and provides a detailed assessment of these deficiencies.
Strategic Recommendations: Concluding with targeted recommendations, the report aims to enhance migration governance to better leverage migration for national and regional development. Recommendations include improving inter-agency coordination, strengthening the legal framework, and adopting best practices from other regions.

Invitation to Engage

The NSI invites you to download and read the findings of this report, where we highlight crucial and effective migration policies that address both the specific context of Kenya and the broader African landscape.

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