
Dive Into NSI’s Latest Updates: Our Quarterly Newsletter is Here!


In our quest to keep you updated with the latest developments and insights in the realms of governance, public policy, and international cooperation, we are delighted to share our recent quarterly newsletter. As you navigate through its pages, you’ll find highlights of our activities and engagements from the past few months.

Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect in this edition:

  1. New Board Chair Announcement: Stephan Malherbe, the founder and Chair of Genesis Analytics, has accepted the role as the chair of the NSI board.
  2. Collaboration with Blavatnik School of Government: An exciting partnership that involves the integration of Masters in Public Policy students into NSI’s research programmes.
  3. Insights and Developments in Migration Governance: Discover a critical analysis by Alan Hirsch on the dynamics of migration governance in Africa, as well as a comprehensive report on migration from a governance perspective in the African continent.
  4. Public Administration Reform: Learn about the NSI’s active participation in discussions centered on the professionalisation of the public sector in South Africa, along with a call for civil society participation in public service reform.
  5. Welfare Reform: Jelena Vidojevic explores the need for comprehensive welfare reform to address socio-economic divisions in South Africa.
  6. In-depth Interviews and Reports: Find intellectual engagements including an interview with sociologist William I. Robinson and a report discussing the politics of self-determination in South Africa.

To explore these topics and more, you can download the full newsletter here. We encourage you to delve into the rich content that mirrors our commitment to fostering a dynamic and informed dialogue around pressing global issues.

Additionally, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter (see the form at the bottom of our homepage) to stay abreast of our latest activities and engagements. By doing so, you’ll be taking a step towards joining a community that values insightful discussions and forward-thinking solutions.

Thank you for accompanying us on this journey towards fostering a collaborative and informed society. We look forward to your continued support and engagement.

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