
The Conversation Features Alan Hirsch and Michael Mutava on African Migration Trends


We at the New South Institute (NSI) are pleased to invite our readers to read an insightful article on The Conversation Africa published on 10 November by Alan Hirsch, coordinator of NSI’s Governance of Migration Reform Programme. The article is based on the report “An Analysis of Trends and Patterns of Migration in Africa“, authored by Michael Mutava, Research Fellow at NSI and published on 3 November.

Hirsch’s article, “Visa-free travel for Africans: why Kenya and Rwanda have taken a step in the right direction,” discusses the recent visa policy changes in Kenya and Rwanda, reflecting a broader continental movement towards visa-free travel within Africa. It addresses the current state and potential implications of these policies, drawing on recent developments in countries like Benin, The Gambia, and Seychelles.

The article delves into the challenges and opportunities presented by these changes, highlighting the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and its aspirations for freer movement across African borders. It critically examines the impact of such policies on employment rights, business establishment, and residency within host countries, emphasizing the need for comprehensive reforms beyond mere visa liberalization.

Further, the article explores the interconnectedness of free trade, investment, and the movement of people, pointing out the progress and limitations in implementing the African Continental Free Trade Agreement. It also touches upon regional migration norms and patterns, discussing how these movements are deeply rooted in geographical, social, and economic ties.

We encourage our readers to read the full article on The Conversation Africa for a more detailed understanding of these complex issues.

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