
NSI’s Migration Report Continues to Make Waves in African Media


The New South Institute’s (NSI) comprehensive report on African migration, “An Analysis of Trends and Patterns of Migration in Africa“, continues to extend its influence beyond media and academic circles. A pivotal component of our Migration Governance Reform (MIGRA) project, this report, released in November 2023, has been consistently recognized for its depth and relevance in understanding migration dynamics in Africa.

One of the significant developments in the report’s journey is its feature on African Newspage. Adam Alqali, Editor-In-Chief of African Newspage, explored the report in his coverage of the “Migration Trends and Possibilities in Africa” seminar on November 20, 2023. This seminar, integral to the MIGRA project, brought to light the intricate patterns of migration across the continent, as detailed in the NSI report.

Moreover, the Africa Evidence Network (AEN) included our report in their November newsletter, acknowledging its contribution to evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) in Africa. AEN’s commitment to eliminating poverty and inequality in Africa resonates with the objectives of our report, making their platform a crucial medium for disseminating such influential research.

Recently, the report’s author, Michael Mutava Milei, furthered its impact by participating in a key event. On December 7th and 8th, a design and capacity building workshop was hosted, involving organizations like AfricaNoFilter, African Women in Media, Baraza Lab, The Continent, and YouthHubAfrica. Michael delivered an insightful presentation on “An Analysis of Trends and Patterns of Migration in Africa,” addressing the intricate relationship between migration and development, migration trends in Africa, and AU policies around migration. His presentation, enriched with data and analysis from the report, provided a fundamental base for understanding and reporting on migration in Africa.

This engagement, dubbed “A Media Engagement on Free Movement and Migration,” highlighted the growing influence of the NSI report in shaping discussions and policies around migration in Africa. Michael’s contribution, along with the feedback and suggestions received during the event, underscore the NSI’s commitment to continuously enrich our understanding of migration. It was also suggested to explore the impact of visa income on the operationalization of free movement, an area we plan to delve into in future research.

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